Here’s a lovely little scratch built club car from around 1970 we picked up this week from ebay for a mere £13. Running a 3” wheelbase (8’ at 1/32 scale), five rails of piano wire is more than usual. Note too the drilled drop arm, and hinged ‘batpans’. There’s no plumber hinge, though. The 16D motor is ballraced at the can end where drive is taken though 20 degree anglewinder steel gears by Taylormade. The armature stack is polished and balanced, with neatly rewound and epoxied wire. Axles are 1/8” threaded with a split front so the wheels rotate independently. The rear tyres are blue sponge.
The vacuum formed body is by either GT Models or Betta, a 1969 Porsche 917 langheck missing the rear wing. Race no. 15 was the Linge/Lins/Redman spare car practised at the 24H du Mans. Before Mr. Pedantic of Penzance writes in, yes we know the nose on that one was red not orange!
With a change of braids (look at ‘em!), guide and rear sponge it’ll be running for maybe the first time in four decades.
Lovely purchase you have there, I can remember building chassis like that. HOWEVER if the photo does not lie then the rails are brass rod, not piano wire which might mean this is slightly earlier around 1969 or it might mean that the builder, like me, found it hard to get to grips with piano wire and soldering brass was easier !
: )
Good luck with the mag…
Well I did say “around 1970” Peter
You may well be right about the rods. If you’re coming to the UK Slot Car Festival on Sunday 12 May you can check it out first hand. Richard.